Membership & Mailing List
We have an international, friendly membership. Why not come and join us? Our membership runs from October until September the following year and includes 8 monthly lectures from October to May.
The fee for the 2024-2025 season is 50€. It can be paid in cash at a lecture or by bank transfer.
For all enquires about Membership or joining our Mailing List, please scroll down this page to the ‘Contact Us’ section.
Membership Benefits
Membership Secretary
Avril-Anne Nettleton

Everyone is Welcome
Non-Members pay 10€ per lecture
Members of other ‘The Arts Society’ societies
have a discounted fee of 8€
Contact Us
- Do you have a query about membership?
- Would you like to receive our mailings?
Then please email Avril-Anne at [email protected]
You Can Join
Complete this online membership form and follow the instructions about payment and our Membership Secretary, Avril-Anne, will get in touch with you to arrange to give you your Membership Card